How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism: Proven Tips

Did you know people with hypothyroidism might gain weight even when eating well and exercising?1

This is because their metabolism is slower.

It’s tough for them to lose weight.

But, there are ways to help you win the fight and reach your weight loss goals.

If you have thyroid disease, losing weight can be hard. An underactive thyroid slows down your metabolism. This means, even with a healthy diet and exercise, you might still put on weight.1

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How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism?

Some strategies can help. These include knowing what to eat and what not to eat, and when and how to eat. Plus, daily exercise, staying hydrated, adjusting your medications, and getting better sleep can be part of a successful weight-loss plan.

how to lose weight with hypothyroidism

Key Takeaways

  • Hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain even with a healthy diet and exercise due to a slower metabolism.
  • Hormone imbalances, insulin resistance, and high cortisol levels associated with hypothyroidism contribute to weight gain.
  • Incorporating thyroid-friendly foods, such as fiber-rich, protein-rich, and healthy fats, can support weight loss.
  • Regular exercise, proper hydration, and adequate sleep are crucial for managing weight with hypothyroidism.
  • Consulting with a healthcare provider and adhering to prescribed treatment are key for successful weight loss.

Understanding Hypothyroidism and Weight Gain

Having mild hypothyroidism may slow your metabolism a lot. This happens because triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) help with digestion and metabolism. If your body lacks these, it can’t burn calories for fuel well. So, you might experience weight gain.2

Causes of Weight Gain with Hypothyroidism

When T3 and T4 are low, they mess up other hormones that control metabolism. This affects your weight. For instance:

  • Leptin and ghrelin handle hunger and feeling full2
  • Insulin resistance can make you gain weight and become obese2
  • Cortisol, a stress hormone, may add to belly fat2

Hormonal Imbalances and Metabolism

The mix-up of these hormones can slow your metabolism even more. So, losing weight with hypothyroidism becomes tougher. It’s crucial to know how thyroid and other hormones work together. This helps in making a good plan to shed excess weight.23

How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism

Dietary Strategies for Thyroid-Friendly Weight Loss

There isn’t a specific diet for hypothyroidism. But following certain eating guidelines can aid in weight loss or management with a low thyroid. A thyroid-friendly diet features fiber-rich foods, fruits and vegetables, a plant-based diet, protein-rich foods, healthy fats, and whole grains.4

Still, it’s crucial to watch out for goitrogens, which can affect thyroid function and are in some veggies.4

Exercising with Hypothyroidism

Staying active supports a healthy thyroid. It can aid in weight loss by upping your metabolism, lessening water retention, and boosting your energy. Research shows that moderate- to high-intensity aerobic exercise can help curb hunger by maintaining the balance of hormones that control appetite.1

Also, weight training and muscle-strengthening exercises are good for those with hypothyroidism to enhance metabolism.4

Lifestyle Modifications for Weight Management

Getting adequate sleep is key for losing weight. Many studies tie sleep deprivation to a slower metabolism and obesity.1 It’s good to aim for at least seven hours of sleep every night, especially if you’re working on losing weight.

To improve your sleep, try to keep a regular bedtime, make your sleep space calm and cozy, and avoid big meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime.1

Keeping well hydrated, along with paying attention to when you eat and how many calories you consume, can also aid in your weight loss journey when paired with a thyroid-friendly diet and exercise.1

Regularly seeing your doctor, doing the advised lab work, and taking your prescribed medications are key steps for managing weight with hypothyroidism.4

thyroid-friendly diet


Losing weight when you have hypothyroidism is hard, but not impossible. 5 By changing what you eat, moving more, getting enough sleep, and stress management, you can lose weight. 5,6,7

It’s important to work with your doctor to handle your thyroid issues. This makes it easier to reach your weight goals. Remember, making lifestyle changes and understanding what causes your thyroid problems are crucial for long-term success.

Hypothyroidism might make it harder for you to lose weight because it slows your metabolism. 5,7 But, there are steps you can take that have been proven to help. Eating foods that are good for your thyroid, staying active, and keeping your stress low and sleep high are all important. 6,7

Talking with your doctor to fine-tune your thyroid medicine is also crucial. 5,7 With hard work, dedication, and looking at the big picture, you can beat the difficulties of hypothyroidism. You can get to your weight loss goals and feel good again.

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