Calories by Activity Calculator

Use our activity calorie calculator to see how much exercise you need to do to burn off those calories!

Or find out how many calories you could burn by doing your favorite activities.

Choose your activity below and then enter your data such as activity duration, sex, age and weight and your burned calories are automatically calculated.

Imperial Units ( lbs )

— For Metric Units scroll down —

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Metric Units ( kg )

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How many calories have I burned?

Hopefully, our activity calculator has given you a better sense of how many calories you can burn by taking part in different activities. All the activities above burn off some calories, though as you can see there are some which are far better at this than others.

Whatever kind of activity you enjoy, by using this data you can find out how much exercise you will need to do to hit your goals.

calories by activity calculator

Getting Started

Despite all these benefits, many people find it difficult to fit these activities into their daily routines. However, you don’t need to do a marathon before work to stay healthily!

Find out how active you should be according to our latest guidelines, where we provide examples of how breaking activity up into chunks, throughout the day can help you stay healthy.

Why not make exercise a part of your journey into work each day? If it’s not too far for you, try cycling, walking or jogging instead of taking public transport or driving.

Don’t forget to check out our Resources page, which includes 7 different calculators you can use for FREE.

Download our FREE e-book HERE, which describes in detail 120 TIPS for Losing Weight & Bonus Tips for Postpartum Weight Loss & Dad’s Postpartum Experience