Top 10 Best Fruits for Weight Loss: Slim Down Naturally

best fruits for weight loss

Did you know that a single cup of raspberries has only 64 calories but gives you 36% of your daily vitamin C and manganese1? Fruits are nature’s perfect snack, full of fiber, vitamins, and nutrients that help with weight loss. They can make you feel full, control your blood sugar, and give you antioxidants1. Adding the best fruits for weight loss to your diet is tasty and can help you meet your health goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Fruits are low in calories yet high in fiber, vitamins, and other beneficial nutrients.
  • Certain fruits, like apples, berries, and melons, may increase feelings of fullness and aid weight loss.
  • Fruits with a low glycemic index, like grapefruit and cherries, can help regulate blood sugar and support weight management.
  • Antioxidant-rich fruits, such as blueberries and kiwifruit, may offer additional benefits for heart health and body composition.
  • Enjoying a variety of these weight-loss-friendly fruits can be a tasty and nutritious way to reach your health goals.

Grapefruit: A Low-Calorie, Vitamin C-Rich Delight

Grapefruit is a great fruit for those trying to lose weight. It’s a mix of a pomelo and an orange, offering a tangy yet sweet taste. Its low calories and rich nutrients make it perfect for weight management.

Grapefruit is packed with vitamin C. Eating 100 grams of it gives you over 30 milligrams of this vitamin2. A medium grapefruit gives you all the vitamin C you need for the day2. This vitamin boosts your immune system and helps burn fat and lose weight.

This fruit is also a low glycemic fruit. A cup of grapefruit has about 300 milligrams of potassium2. This slow release of sugar helps control blood sugar and keeps you feeling full2. Studies show grapefruit can also improve insulin resistance, which is important for weight control and metabolic health2.

Grapefruit is also great for your heart. Eating grapefruit can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke2. Its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties help protect your heart.

You can enjoy grapefruit in many ways, like halves, segments, or juice. Adding it to your diet is tasty and supports weight loss. With its low calories, fiber, and vitamins, grapefruit is an excellent choice for health and wellness.

“Grapefruit is a powerhouse of nutrition, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support weight loss and overall health.”

Apples: Fiber-Filled and Antioxidant-Rich


Apples are a top choice for those looking to lose weight. They’re crisp, juicy, and full of fiber and antioxidants. These nutrients can help prevent belly fat.

A medium apple is mostly water, with just 95 calories3. But its real power is in its fiber, offering about 4 grams per fruit3. This fiber makes you feel full, helping you eat less3.

A 24-year study showed that eating more fiber and antioxidant fruits like apples led to weight loss. People who ate apples lost about 1.24 pounds4. A 2008 study also found that women who ate apples and pears lost 2.7 pounds in 12 weeks4.

Apples are full of polyphenols, an antioxidant that fights belly fat4. The peel is especially rich in these compounds3. Adding apples to your diet can be tasty and help you reach your weight loss goals.

The Benefits of Apples for Weight Loss

  • Low in calories, with only about 95 calories per medium fruit3
  • High in fiber, with 4 grams per medium apple3
  • Rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols, that may help prevent visceral fat accumulation4
  • May promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake4
  • Associated with weight loss in various studies4

Adding apples to your meals or snacks can help with weight loss. They’re packed with fiber, antioxidants, and are low in calories. This makes them a great choice for a healthy diet453.

Berries: Nutrient Powerhouses for Weight Management

Berries are small but mighty fruits that help with weight management. They include blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. These fruits are packed with nutrients that support weight loss.

Women who eat two servings of strawberries or one of blueberries a week can delay cognitive decline by about 2.5 years6. Raspberries have 14.6 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber per cup, making them great for fiber and low in calories6. Eating fresh fruit daily can also lower the risk of diabetes by 12%6.

Berries offer more than just health benefits. Eating at least two servings a week can lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 23%6. They also help lower LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and improve insulin sensitivity, which is good for those who are overweight or obese6.

Berries are a superfood for weight loss. In a study, overweight and obese men who ate blackberries burned more fat and improved insulin sensitivity6. Eating over 1 cup of wild blueberries daily for a month also improved blood vessel function and lowered blood pressure6.

Berries, like blueberries and raspberries, protect against cancers of the gut, breast, and more6. Cranberries contain anthocyanins that reduce UTIs by 26% in women who often get them6.

If you want to lose weight and boost your health, add more berries to your meals. Their low calorie, high fiber, and health benefits make them a top choice for weight loss.

best fruits for weight loss

Berries for weight loss

When looking to lose weight, some fruits are better than others. Berries like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries are great for weight loss. They are low in calories, high in fiber, and full of antioxidants.

Raspberries: A Fiber-Packed Powerhouse

Raspberries are a superfruit for weight loss. One cup has 8 grams of fiber, which is a third of what you need daily7. This fiber makes you feel full, helping with weight control8. Raspberries also have antioxidants like anthocyanins, which fight inflammation and protect cells8.

Strawberries: A Vitamin C-Packed Treat

Strawberries are great for weight loss too. One cup has only 50 calories and 3 grams of fiber7. They’re also packed with vitamin C, giving you 97% of your daily need9. This makes strawberries a nutrient-rich, low-calorie snack that helps with weight management.

Blueberries: Antioxidant-Rich Superstars

Blueberries are tasty and good for weight loss. A cup has 4 grams of fiber, about one-sixth of what you need7. Wild blueberries have twice the antioxidants of regular ones, making them a powerhouse7. Their fiber, low calories, and antioxidants make them perfect for losing weight and boosting health.

Adding these berries to your diet can change your weight management. They’re full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Choosing low-calorie, high-fiber fruits like berries helps you reach your weight loss goals while enjoying tasty snacks.

“Weight loss is not solely focused on a specific number on the scale but rather on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, exercise, good sleep quality, managing stress, and overall healthy habits.”

A balanced approach to weight loss includes exercise, managing stress, and eating well. Adding nutrient-dense, low-calorie fruits like berries is a tasty way to help with your weight loss789.

Stone Fruits: Low-Calorie, Seasonal Delights

Stone fruits are great for weight loss. They include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots. These fruits are low in calories but full of important nutrients10.

For example, 2 fresh apricots give you 34 calories, 8 grams of carbs, 1 gram of protein, and 0.27 grams of fat10. A 3.5-ounce serving of strawberries has only 32 calories and is 91% water10.

Stone fruits are also packed with vitamins and minerals. A 3.5-ounce serving of blueberries has 57 calories and is 84% water10. These fruits are a better choice than processed snacks for those trying to lose weight.

Peaches: A Juicy, Low-Calorie Delight

Peaches are tasty and low in calories. A medium peach has 58 calories and is full of fiber10. They’re perfect for managing weight.

Cherries: A Fiber-Packed Treat

Cherries are great for weight loss. A cup of cherries has 87 calories and 3 grams of fiber10. The fiber helps you feel full, making cherries a better snack choice.

Plums: A Low-Calorie, Nutrient-Dense Option

Plums are versatile and low in calories. A medium plum has 30 calories and 0.9 grams of fiber10. Adding plums to your diet can help with weight loss.

Stone fruits are perfect for anyone wanting to lose weight or stay healthy. They’re low in calories, full of fiber, and packed with nutrients11. Enjoy these fruits and live healthier.

Passion Fruit: Exotic and Fiber-Packed

passion fruit

Looking to lose weight? Consider adding passion fruit to your diet. This exotic fruit from South America is low in calories but high in fiber. It’s perfect for those trying to lose weight12.

One passion fruit has a lot of vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and fiber12. It’s a great source of fiber, which is good for your health. The USDA says men and women need 34 g and 28 g of fiber a day, respectively12.

Passion fruit is also good for people with diabetes because of its low glycemic index12. It has a lot of potassium and not much sodium. This can help lower blood pressure and clear out bad cholesterol from your blood vessels12.

The seeds of passion fruit contain piceatannol, which helps with insulin sensitivity and blood pressure12. A study in 2017 found that men who ate 20 mg of piceatannol daily for 8 weeks got better metabolic health12.

Passion fruit is also great for weight loss because of its fiber12. It can slow down digestion and keep you feeling full longer. Plus, it might help you sleep better, but we need more studies on that12.

But, if you’re allergic to latex, be careful with passion fruit. There’s a chance you could react to it too12.

If you want to eat more fruits that are low in calories but high in fiber, try passion fruit12. It tastes great in smoothies, salads, and other healthy foods12.

Rhubarb: A Vegetable Treat for Weight Loss


Rhubarb is often treated like a fruit but is actually a vegetable. It’s a great addition to your weight loss plan. It’s packed with nutrients and has few calories, offering many benefits for healthy weight management.

Rhubarb’s Nutritional Profile

One cup of cooked rhubarb gives you 26% of the daily vitamin C you need13. It’s a top source of this important nutrient. Plus, it has just 26 calories per cup, much less than many fruits and veggies13. This makes rhubarb perfect for those trying to lose weight or keep a healthy weight.

Rhubarb is also full of fiber, with 3 grams per cup14. Fiber helps with digestion, prevents constipation, and lowers cholesterol, which can reduce heart disease risk13. It also makes you feel full, helping you eat fewer calories and lose weight13.

Rhubarb’s Potential Weight Loss Benefits

Rhubarb’s low calories and high fiber can help with weight loss. It also affects metabolism and inflammation. The compounds in rhubarb boost blood sugar regulation and metabolism13. Plus, its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are linked to chronic diseases and weight gain13.

Adding rhubarb to your meals is tasty and nutritious for weight loss. You can enjoy it in salads, compotes, or roasted. Its low calories, high fiber, and metabolism-boosting effects make it a great choice for a healthy diet1415.

“Rhubarb is a low-calorie vegetable, making it an ideal food for weight loss while replenishing necessary vitamins and minerals.”

Kiwifruit: Vitamin C Powerhouse for Weight Management


Kiwifruits are small, brown fruits with bright green or yellow flesh and tiny black seeds. They are packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and fiber, making them great for managing weight16. A single kiwifruit has over 2 grams of fiber, with an extra gram in the skin. This makes kiwifruits very fiber-rich16. Foods high in fiber like kiwifruits can make you feel full, helping you eat fewer calories and support weight loss.

Research shows kiwifruit has many health benefits, not just for weight management. In one study, eating two golden kiwis a day for 12 weeks helped people with prediabetes. They had more vitamin C, lower blood pressure, and a 1.2-inch smaller waist16. Kiwifruit also has a low glycemic index, which means its sugar is released slowly. This can help control blood sugar levels, aiding in weight management.

Kiwifruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost overall health and well-being16. Adding more kiwifruit to your diet is a delicious way to support your weight management goals and gain health benefits.

Kiwifruit’s low calories, high fiber, and essential nutrients make it an excellent choice for managing weight.

Melons: Low-Calorie, Hydrating Fruits

Melons for weight loss

Melons like watermelon and honeydew are great for weight management. They are low in calories and full of hydration. This makes them perfect for those trying to lose weight naturally17. Watermelon, for example, is 90% water and has only 30 calories per 100 grams17. A medium slice also gives you 1.3 grams of fiber, 26.3 milligrams of vitamin C, and 364 milligrams of potassium18.

Honeydew is also high in water, at 91%18. It’s low in calories and full of nutrients, making it great for weight loss. Adding these fruits to your diet helps you stay hydrated, feel full, and support your health goals17.

The Hydrating and Nutrient-Rich Benefits of Melons

Melons are not just low in calories but also full of vitamins and minerals. A medium slice of watermelon gives you 10% of your daily vitamin A18. A large wedge of cantaloupe has 11 milligrams of vitamin C and 237 micrograms of vitamin A18. These fruits support your health and are a good choice for a balanced diet.

These fruits also have a refreshing texture that can help control cravings and make you feel full. Enjoy them fresh, cubed, or blended into a smoothie. They’re a tasty way to add more low-calorie, hydrating fruits to your diet17.

Fruit Water Content Calorie Content Fiber Content Vitamin C Content
Watermelon 90% 30 calories per 100g 1.3 grams per medium slice 26.3 mg per medium slice
Honeydew 91% 46 calories per 1 cup 0.8 grams per 1 cup 29.8 mg per 1 cup
Cantaloupe 90% 54 calories per 1 cup 1 gram per large wedge 11 mg per large wedge

“Melons are a fantastic choice for weight management due to their high water content, low-calorie profile, and impressive nutrient density. Incorporating these hydrating fruits into your diet can be a delicious and effective way to support your weight loss goals.”

By using low-calorie fruits like melons, you can feed your body well while losing weight. Enjoy them fresh, blended, or in recipes. Melons are a great addition to any diet focused on weight loss171819.

Oranges: Vitamin C Boost for Fat Burning


Oranges are a favorite citrus fruit that are low in calories and high in fiber. They are perfect for those trying to lose weight20. These fruits are full of vitamin C, which is key for burning fat21.

Eating whole oranges can make you feel less hungry and eat fewer calories than drinking orange juice20. The fiber in oranges makes you feel full, which can lead to eating fewer calories22.

Oranges give you a lot of vitamin C, over 90% of what you need in one fruit22. This vitamin helps turn fats, proteins, and carbs into energy. It also helps burn fat during exercise21.

Oranges are great for your heart too. They have a lot of fiber that helps control blood sugar levels. This makes insulin work better and can help with weight management and metabolic health21.

Adding oranges to your meals is an easy way to get more vitamin C and support weight loss. You can eat them as a snack, add them to salads, or use them in desserts. Oranges are a tasty and healthy choice for losing weight202221.

While oranges are a great choice for losing weight, remember to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Talk to a health expert for advice on your weight loss plan.



Avocado is often seen as a high-fat fruit but can be great for weight loss. It’s full of fiber, healthy fats, and important nutrients that help with weight management23.

Avocados are not just high in fat; they’re also very nutrient-rich. They have about 160 calories in 3.5 ounces (100 grams), with most calories from fat23. But, the fats are mostly monounsaturated, which are good for the heart and can lower the risk of obesity2324.

Adding avocado to your meals can help with weight loss and health. Studies show that eating avocados can lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and it’s good for the heart23. It’s also full of phytosterols, which are good for heart health23.

Research says eating avocados can help prevent weight gain and obesity23. Eating one avocado a day can help with weight loss and change gut bacteria in people who are overweight or obese23. It can also reduce belly fat, which is a type of fat linked to health problems2324.

Avocados have more calories than some fruits but are worth it for their nutrients and health benefits25. Adding avocado to your meals and snacks can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals24.


In conclusion, adding a mix of nutrient-dense, fiber-rich, and low-calorie fruits to your diet helps with weight loss and better health. Fruits like grapefruit, apples, berries, stone fruits, passion fruit, rhubarb, kiwifruit, melons, and oranges are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These can help you manage your weight26.

Choosing whole fruits over juices or dried options and swapping out high-calorie snacks for these natural, satiety-promoting ones can lead you to a healthier, slimmer life. Fruits like apples, pears, and berries are great for weight loss thanks to their high fiber27. Also, low glycemic index fruits like apples, pears, and cherries help keep blood sugar levels stable, aiding in weight management27.

Adding a variety of low-calorie, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense fruits to your meals is tasty and effective for your weight loss journey. Whether you choose juicy watermelon, tangy grapefruit, or sweet berries, these best fruits for weight loss give you the nutrients, fiber, and hydration your body needs to flourish28.

Source Links

  1. The 11 Best Fruits for Weight Loss –
  2. 7 Surprising Benefits of Eating Grapefruit, According to Dietitians –
  3. Are Apples Good for Weight Loss? Here’s What a Dietitian Has to Say –
  4. Are Apples Weight-Loss-Friendly or Fattening? –
  5. What’s the best fruit for weight loss? A dietitian shares her No. 1 pick –
  6. 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Berries –
  7. 7 Fruits to Add to Your Diet to Help You Lose Weight –
  8. The #1 Fruit to Help You Lose Weight, According to a Dietitian –
  9. Nutritionists Say These Fruits May Be Beneficial for Weight Loss –
  10. 10 Best Fruits To Eat In May To Enjoy Peak Flavor –
  11. 34 Low-Calorie Fruit Desserts We’re Enjoying All Summer Long –
  12. Passion fruit: 8 benefits and nutrition –
  13. The Benefits of the Rhubarb Diet for Weight Loss – Strong Health –
  14. Rhubarb: A unique and versatile vegetable packed with nutrition –
  15. 10 Best Fruits That Help With Weight Loss –
  16. Outsmart the Scale: The Guide to Best Fruits for Weight Loss –
  17. 7 Fruits That Can Help You Lose (or Maintain Your) Weight –
  18. Top 10 Hydrating Fruits –
  19. The 9 Best Fruits for Weight Loss –
  20. Eating Citrus Before Bed & Weight Loss | –
  21. Why Vitamin C Rich Fruits Are The Best For Weight Loss –
  22. Is Orange Good For Weight Loss? – Blog – HealthifyMe –
  23. Are Avocados Useful for Weight Loss, or Fattening? –
  24. The Secret Reason Avocado Is The Magic Weight Loss Food –
  25. 3 Ways to Eat Avocado for Weight Loss – wikiHow –
  26. Best Fruits for Weight Loss at Night: Your Ultimate Guide –
  27. Best Fruits For Weight Loss – Top 15 Fruits For Natural Fat Burn –
  28. What Type of Fruit to Eat to Lose Weight –
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